
Friday, June 22, 2007

Portobellos Stuffed with Black Beans, Cheddar, and Guacamole

Summertime ...and the eating is kinda sexy. Here's another version of the roasted portobellos, wrapped with roasted eggplant, this time stuffed with black beans, cheddar, and guacamole, decorated with half an organic pear tomato. Can you say hmmm....?
This was quite a delicious mouthful.

I'm blaming tonight's sexy food on Cookiecrumb. She posted a very sexy sandwich for the first day of summer and associated it (in my mind, at least) with summer nakedness.

So there you have it. Juicy portobello mushrooms, tied up with strips of eggplant, ousing balsamic vinegar and creamy guacamole. Yeah...

And speaking of sexy, summer food, where is Sam?

But let's turn now to an innocent avocado memory. I guess I was destined to be a food enthusiast from a young age. I remember as an 8 year-old , saving up my pocket money with my friend Melanie, to buy an avocado (not quite as plentiful in England as they are in California). I think we paid at least a pound for it (and we're talking the 70s here) and ate it, with rapture, in the English way, halfed, stoned, with malt vinegar and salt. It's good to know, that you can still relive the past in some ways...


Blogger Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

You do the most interesting things with portobellos! I love each of the components of this dish but never would have thought of serving them on a portobello base.

8:40 AM  
Blogger cookiecrumb said...

The English way is to eat an avocado half-stoned? I think I've done it!
I misread that.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

Cookie: It is poorly worded. Guess that would be the English-Californian way to eat an avocado (love those culture hybids)

6:14 PM  

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